How satisfied are you with the overall customer service provided by the Town of Wasaga Beach?
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
When I have a question, concern or service need, I prefer to contact the Town via (check all that apply):
My expectation is for the Town of Wasaga Beach to reply to urgent inquiries, issues or service needs within:
My expectation is for the Town of Wasaga Beach to reply to non-urgent inquiries, issues or service needs within:
Thinking back to your last customer service interaction with the Town of Wasaga Beach, how timely was the response to your inquiry or request?
Thinking back to your last customer service interaction with the Town of Wasaga Beach, were your needs resolved?
Thinking back to your last customer service interaction with the Town of Wasaga Beach, how would you rate the helpfulness and professionalism of the Town representative you interacted with?
Please share your suggestions on how we can improve our customer service: