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Friends floating their cares away

Nothing more relaxing than a canoe trip down the Nottawasaga River.

Start at the Sports Park and head all the way to Nancy Island! About 2 1/2 hours.

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Consultation has concluded

Admin Commented Team member commented Sandra Watts
Communications Officer
over 4 years ago
Great photograph. Thanks for sharing with us.

Mike Gennings
Communications Officer
Town of Wasaga Beach
Share Great photograph. Thanks for sharing with us. Mike GenningsCommunications OfficerTown of Wasaga Beach on Facebook Share Great photograph. Thanks for sharing with us. Mike GenningsCommunications OfficerTown of Wasaga Beach on Twitter Share Great photograph. Thanks for sharing with us. Mike GenningsCommunications OfficerTown of Wasaga Beach on Linkedin Email Great photograph. Thanks for sharing with us. Mike GenningsCommunications OfficerTown of Wasaga Beach link