Short-Term Accommodations Review

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In response to the 2022-2026 Term of Council Priorities, the Short-Term Accommodation project has been established to conduct a comprehensive review of short-term accommodation (STA) regulations and licensing strategies within the Town of Wasaga Beach. The project will assess existing regulations and propose recommendations to enhance and optimize the STA licensing framework, addressing issues related to safety, compliance, and community impacts.

Project Goals

  • Create a regulatory framework for short-term accommodations that addresses community concerns but continues to support the Town's tourist economy.
  • Reduce the impact of STA's on the residential character of neighbourhoods through reduction in noise, parking and garbage problems.
  • Help to elevate the Town's tourism profile.
  • Diversify the tourist accommodation sector and attract larger accommodation groups to support growing level of tourism.

Current STA Regulations

Short-term accommodations are currently licensed through Business Licensing by-law #2020-87 as "tourist accommodations" and "bed and breakfasts". Under the licensing by-law, all short-term accommodation categories that fall under "tourist accommodations, are required to pay a year licensing fee, undergo fire safety and property standards inspections, and provide adequate insurance coverage for the property to operate.

Under the Town's by-laws, short-term accommodation is defined as "a building or structure or any part thereof that operates or offers a place of temporary residence, lodging, or occupancy by way of concession, permit, lease, rental agreement, or similar commercial arrangement for any period less than thirty-one (31) consecutive calendar days."

A bed and breakfast is defined as " a private residential dwelling unit permitted only in zones indicated in the Town of Wasaga Beach Zoning By-law, in which the owner or a long-term leasee resides, and within which guest rooms, that may have separate sanitary facilities but shall not have separate culinary facilities, are offered to the traveling public and meals may or may not be offered to the guests."

A hotel is defined as "a building or structure or any part thereof, containing three or more guest rooms served by a common entrance, where guest rooms may include culinary facilities and may have a separate entrance directly from outside the building but must include individual sanitary facilities. Accessory uses may include accommodations for permanent staff and one or more beverage rooms, dining rooms, meeting rooms, or similar uses. “Motel” shall have corresponding meaning as indicated in the Town of Wasaga Beach Zoning By-law."

The Town of Wasaga Beach currently licenses 170 Tourist Establishments including motels, short-term accommodations, and bed and breakfasts.

The Town's Zoning by-law #2003-60 outlines the zones where short-term accommodations are permitted to operate. An interactive map, which lists these zones is available in the 'Relevant Documents' panel on this website.

Bed and Breakfast establishments are currently permitted in the following zones:

  • R1
  • R2
  • RE
  • RU
  • DC2
  • DG2
  • B2

Short-Term Accommodations are currently permitted in the following zones:

  • DC1
  • DC2
  • DG1
  • DG2
  • B1
  • B2

Tourist Establishments are currently permitted in the following zones:

  • CT
  • CA
  • CC
  • CD
  • CS
  • DC1
  • DC2
  • DG1
  • DG2
  • B1
  • B2

NEW UPDATE - Public Engagement Session set for May 2, 2024 4:00pm-7:00pm

Roundtable workshop discussion open to all members of the community. This event aims to bring together members of our community to discuss and provide input on regulations and licensing for Short-Term Accommodations.

Participants must register in advance to attend. To register, visit the Event Brite site at:

The event will be held in the RE/MAX Room at 544 River Road West from 4:00pm-7:00pm.

This roundtable workshop is an essential part of our commitment to transparency, collaboration, and community engagement. Your participation will play a crucial role in shaping the future of short-term accommodations in Wasaga Beach.

Stakeholder Engagement Session - March 21, 2024 1:00pm-3:00pm

Invitational workshop for short-term accommodators and tourism business owners in Wasaga Beach that aims to foster dialogue, gather insights, and collaboratively develop recommendations to enhance existing short-term accommodation policies and frameworks within the town.

Participants must register in advance to attend and must be operators/owners (licensed or unlicensed) of tourist establishments, bed and breakfast and other types of short-term accommodations. To register, visit:

The goal of this session will be to examine some possible regulatory frameworks for short-term accommodations and to develop a list of recommendations for consideration.

The event will be held in the RE/MAX Room from 1:00-3:00pm.

If you are unable to attend, but would like the opportunity to provide input, please email Carly Murdoch, Special Project Leader, at

In response to the 2022-2026 Term of Council Priorities, the Short-Term Accommodation project has been established to conduct a comprehensive review of short-term accommodation (STA) regulations and licensing strategies within the Town of Wasaga Beach. The project will assess existing regulations and propose recommendations to enhance and optimize the STA licensing framework, addressing issues related to safety, compliance, and community impacts.

Project Goals

  • Create a regulatory framework for short-term accommodations that addresses community concerns but continues to support the Town's tourist economy.
  • Reduce the impact of STA's on the residential character of neighbourhoods through reduction in noise, parking and garbage problems.
  • Help to elevate the Town's tourism profile.
  • Diversify the tourist accommodation sector and attract larger accommodation groups to support growing level of tourism.

Current STA Regulations

Short-term accommodations are currently licensed through Business Licensing by-law #2020-87 as "tourist accommodations" and "bed and breakfasts". Under the licensing by-law, all short-term accommodation categories that fall under "tourist accommodations, are required to pay a year licensing fee, undergo fire safety and property standards inspections, and provide adequate insurance coverage for the property to operate.

Under the Town's by-laws, short-term accommodation is defined as "a building or structure or any part thereof that operates or offers a place of temporary residence, lodging, or occupancy by way of concession, permit, lease, rental agreement, or similar commercial arrangement for any period less than thirty-one (31) consecutive calendar days."

A bed and breakfast is defined as " a private residential dwelling unit permitted only in zones indicated in the Town of Wasaga Beach Zoning By-law, in which the owner or a long-term leasee resides, and within which guest rooms, that may have separate sanitary facilities but shall not have separate culinary facilities, are offered to the traveling public and meals may or may not be offered to the guests."

A hotel is defined as "a building or structure or any part thereof, containing three or more guest rooms served by a common entrance, where guest rooms may include culinary facilities and may have a separate entrance directly from outside the building but must include individual sanitary facilities. Accessory uses may include accommodations for permanent staff and one or more beverage rooms, dining rooms, meeting rooms, or similar uses. “Motel” shall have corresponding meaning as indicated in the Town of Wasaga Beach Zoning By-law."

The Town of Wasaga Beach currently licenses 170 Tourist Establishments including motels, short-term accommodations, and bed and breakfasts.

The Town's Zoning by-law #2003-60 outlines the zones where short-term accommodations are permitted to operate. An interactive map, which lists these zones is available in the 'Relevant Documents' panel on this website.

Bed and Breakfast establishments are currently permitted in the following zones:

  • R1
  • R2
  • RE
  • RU
  • DC2
  • DG2
  • B2

Short-Term Accommodations are currently permitted in the following zones:

  • DC1
  • DC2
  • DG1
  • DG2
  • B1
  • B2

Tourist Establishments are currently permitted in the following zones:

  • CT
  • CA
  • CC
  • CD
  • CS
  • DC1
  • DC2
  • DG1
  • DG2
  • B1
  • B2

NEW UPDATE - Public Engagement Session set for May 2, 2024 4:00pm-7:00pm

Roundtable workshop discussion open to all members of the community. This event aims to bring together members of our community to discuss and provide input on regulations and licensing for Short-Term Accommodations.

Participants must register in advance to attend. To register, visit the Event Brite site at:

The event will be held in the RE/MAX Room at 544 River Road West from 4:00pm-7:00pm.

This roundtable workshop is an essential part of our commitment to transparency, collaboration, and community engagement. Your participation will play a crucial role in shaping the future of short-term accommodations in Wasaga Beach.

Stakeholder Engagement Session - March 21, 2024 1:00pm-3:00pm

Invitational workshop for short-term accommodators and tourism business owners in Wasaga Beach that aims to foster dialogue, gather insights, and collaboratively develop recommendations to enhance existing short-term accommodation policies and frameworks within the town.

Participants must register in advance to attend and must be operators/owners (licensed or unlicensed) of tourist establishments, bed and breakfast and other types of short-term accommodations. To register, visit:

The goal of this session will be to examine some possible regulatory frameworks for short-term accommodations and to develop a list of recommendations for consideration.

The event will be held in the RE/MAX Room from 1:00-3:00pm.

If you are unable to attend, but would like the opportunity to provide input, please email Carly Murdoch, Special Project Leader, at

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The Town of Wasaga Beach is excited to invite residents and visitors to participate in a short-term accommodation public engagement survey. As the Town continues to grow, it is essential to gather public insights on the impact of short-term accommodations in our community. This survey aims to capture perspectives on issues such as noise, parking, and community character, ensuring that the Town's policies align with the needs and desires of its residents. Your input will play a crucial role in developing future regulations, so please join us in shaping the future of Wasaga Beach by taking part in this important survey today.

    This survey will close on Tuesday, May 14th, 2024.

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Page last updated: 18 Feb 2025, 01:23 PM