Beach Access and Allenwood Beach Vesting Order
BREAKING NEWS - February 4, 2025: Justice Casullo has endorsed the Town's Order vesting Allenwood Beach into the ownership of the Town.
What does this mean? It's official - the Town's ownership of Allenwood Beach has been confirmed and resolved. While the Town purchased the property in 2012 and has held the deed, the title was never registered. That process is now underway.
Next steps: Staff will continue to collaborate with the Province to determine next steps.
With the longest freshwater beach, Wasaga Beach has a number of public and private beaches. Access points to the beachfront of Georgian Bay vary in ownership with some properties being owned by the Town, the Province, while others are under private ownership. Often members of the public and visitors are unaware of these distinctions, which can lead to unintentional trespassing on private property. The goal of this comprehensive review is to address issues of liability and provide clarity around who owns what.
Wasaga Beach has maintained a core area of public beach from 68th Street to Eastdale Drive which is protected by provincial reserve designation. While much of the central beachfront remains publicly accessible, the Town of Wasaga Beach has grown through the amalgamation of several communities. The far east and west ends of the Town did not originally have the same provincial beach reserve designation as the central core.
Allenwood Vesting Order
In the 1940s, the Trace family subdivided the Allenwood Beach area, retaining ownership of the beachfront. In 2012, the Town successfully purchased this section of the beach from the Trace family (from Eastdale Drive to Edwards Street). The Province has included these lands within the provincial park boundary and through the vesting order process, the Town is looking to reaffirm our ownership, clarify operational responsibilities (such as beach maintenance, restroom cleaning, and parking revenue management), and address liability concerns.
Next Steps
The Town and the Province are actively discussing these matters, and we look forward to sharing the results of these discussions in early 2025.
Beach Access
There are several public and private access points to get to our spectacular beachfront. Maps of these access points can be found here.